Primary Care:
We offer same day/next day appointments for urgent medical problems, minor urgent care, in-house lab, point-of-care dispensing for some medications and no rushed appointments. We are a family atmosphere and we care about you. We treat acute and chronic disease/illness and injury. We offer Aesthetic and weight loss services.
Other Services:
- Testing for leaky gut which is one of the causes to many ailments
- Genesight (Genetic testing) A Proven Path To The Right Mental Health Medication
- Offering a more individualized holistic approach to your medical issues
Medical Weight Loss Program with HCG
- Supervised by provider
- Based around provider prescribed medication and lipotropic fat-burning supplements
- An initial evaluation by the provider, is followed by weekly visits to receive 7 days of injections to be taken at home (training provided)
- Weekly vitamin/lipotropic injections, vital signs, weight evaluations and overall health assessments, as well as Q&A's
- Nutritional support with a list of approved foods, recipes and food journal
- Food Sensitivity Analysis
- Botox, Dysport, Xeomin
- Dermal Fillers- Radiesse, Belotero, Restylane
- Chemical Peels
- Microneedling
- Dermaplaning
- Therapeutic Masks
- Ultherapy
- PCA Skin Line
- Latisse